Continues to perform its duties day and night patrolling throughout the territory and hong kong waters , preventing and detecting crime , safeguarding and protecting life and property , and maintaining law and order 继续不分昼夜地执行职务,在本港各处及水域巡逻,防止和侦查罪案,保障市民的生命财产,维持治安。
Regional police provide front - line policing 24 hours a day . they are responsible for the traditional constabulary functions of preserving life and property ; preventing and detecting crime ; keeping the peace ; and responding in times of emergency 在总区工作的警务人员提供24小时的前线服务,负责执行传统的警务工作,包括:保护市民的生命和财产;防止与侦查罪案;维持治安;及在有紧急事故发生时对灾难作出迅速回应。
He pointed out that to combat the threat of terrorist activities against the international community , interpol had set up a task force to study and recommend strategies for member countries , and had used its expertise to provide training for member countries to enhance their abilities to handle crises and detect crimes 孟宏伟指出,针对恐怖活动对国际社会造成的潜在威胁,国际刑警组织成立专门小组进行研究,提出对策通报成员国,并利用国际刑警组织所掌握的专家资源为成员国提供培训,以提高成员国处理危机和侦查破案的能力。
Its function in normalizing cultural behavior , modeling cultural personality and adjusting cultural life may restrain criminal act ; the folk - culture may be used to reveal the suspect ' s identity character , range of terrain , criminal motive , and the tricks of anti - detection in detecting crime 民俗文化规?文化行为、模塑文化人格、调节文化生活的功能可以遏制犯罪行为;民俗文化中的语言民俗、社会民俗、心理民俗等可以启动犯罪行为;在犯罪侦查中,利用民俗文化可以揭示涉案人的身份特徵、查清涉案人的地域?围、分析涉案人的作案动机、辨析涉案人的反侦查伎俩。